Unconditional Love

by anne marie pizarro energy healing Feb 13, 2012

Unconditional Love for Yourself means YOU are your Valentines.


What does it mean to have unconditional love for yourself?

Unconditionally Love Yourself this Valentines Day!

Too many times, our world conditions us to put others before ourselves, even guilt-tripping us with certain belief systems that it is selfish to think or love yourself first before others.  The real question you have to ask yourself is: How can I love and accept others if I don’t unconditionally love and accept myself?

Great Spirit created multiple opportunities for us to interact with one another and test how we can maintain unconditional love.  After all, we are held in that light by the Divine.  So why is it so hard for us to be that way towards ourselves?

This Valentines season, before looking outward for someone to be your “true love, honor yourself by choosing YOU first.  Whether that is buying yourself a treat (like a tasty coconut latte), indulging in self-love (like a massage) or surrounding yourself with amazing friends and laughter – choose to put yourself first and begin your day honoring that “One True Love” which is YOU.


“How Do I begin to Unconditionally Love Myself”

1.  Look in the mirror, smile and tell yourself: “I AM beautiful!  I AM amazing!  I AM a glorious gift from the Divine Creator Himself/Herself, and I Unconditionally Love & Accept Myself!”

2. Forgive yourself of past wrong-doings that do not serve you now.

3. Take 30 minutes to do a special medicine wheel exercise:

  • Create a circle and put a heart in the center
  • Write down all the things you would like to release about yourself on the outside of the circle
  •  Write down all the things you would like “gift yourself” this year and be completely open-minded, open-hearted and generous with your time, money and self.  There are no limits to what you can receive.
  • Do a special meditation to connect from your heart to the Divine Creator and also to your sacred medicine wheel.  Focus only on the positive aspects within your circle, bring that feeling into your heart and cells.
  • Set your wheel on fire afterwards and let go & let GOD!

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