How to Activate the Most Important Area of Your Home

by anne marie pizarro health and wellness law of attraction Jan 05, 2017

Happy New Year! If you’re like me,  chances are you are welcoming this new year with open arms and anticipation.  And there’s good reason to celebrate.  We are emerging from the end of a 9-year cycle and entering into a 1-year.  This is a year of starting anew, aligning to your soul path and asking ‘What’s next?’ Isn’t that exciting?!?

A good friend sent out an email recently,  encouraging people to make the most of the first 27 Days of January as this influences what appears in your life this year.  Well,  I got on it and made a list of things that I wanted to accomplish in the 1st 27 Days.  I decided to practice kindness and self-love by not creating an impossible,  inhumane list of tasks.

Simply put,  I wanted to create tasks and intentions that were fun and filled me with a sense of accomplishment when I finished. This year,  I’d like to do things differently – be more in control of my space,  commitments and energy. This year…I decided to stop doing New Year Resolutions.

I know,  I know...I just recorded a Facebook Live video in the end of December and the 3 things you needed to do before setting your Resolutions.
•    So did I do my suggestions of clearing up my space before 2016 ended? YES - Absolutely!
•    Did I get rid of old stuff that I wasn't using or reminded me of the past? YES - Absolutely!
•    Did I remove old intentions and put new ones in? YES - Absolutely!
•    Did I write my resolutions for the new year?  NO. NO I DIDN'T. And…I’M NOT DOING IT EITHER!

Do you want to know why I stopped doing/writing/stating New Year's Resolutions?

I realize that, at some point, I evolved from doing resolutions and shifted into creating intentions.  The main reason why is that intentions are fluid,  allowing for re-evaluation and works with your time, energy and ability.  Resolutions are promises we tell ourselves, with little to no accountability for follow-though, and usually represents ideals we strive for.  These ideals may not match our changeable, fickle and easily-distractible natures.

So…let’s work with who we are NOW rather than the illusion of who we to aspire to be.

In addition to creating intentions, I’ve also SUPER-CHARGED KEY areas of my home to help me and my family live in harmony, cooperation with one another and good health. Those areas include my wealth corner, love & relationship area, health and family as well as helpful people corner.  However, I’ve spent the MOST amount of time working on the key area that brings the energy of prosperity, financial abundance and amazing opportunities in my life: The Career and Business Area.

With a 1-year cycle arriving, we are in a prime time to set our intentions for new beginnings or expansion of our efforts.  Here are 3 quick and easy tips to apply to this area for the new year:
1.    Work with the water element and bring colors of blue, black and white to increase the flow of energy.
2.    Ensure that your front door is well-lit, opens easily and is the “right color” depending on the direction it faces.
3.    Create your intentions and place it in a "manifestation tool" that will hold your ideas and help it to crystallize

I know these are just a few tips.  I actually have way more to share, so please join me on Monday, December 16, 2017 at 2:00 pm CST on Facebook Live to discuss  ‘How to Activate the Most Important Area of Your Home: Career/Business.”

This video kicks off the beginning of a new Mastermind Group that I am forming to help clients and people who are ready to shift in their businesses or careers.  This 8-week Mastermind group focuses on how to  ‘Activate Your Idea for 2017.’

This Mastermind group is composed of 8 people who meet on a weekly basis and pair up to be accountability partners.  In addition, each of these 8 people will receive an Akashic Record Reading that focuses on their Career/Business goals for 2017 as they take the “Hot Seat” position of the week.  This group will meet every week for an hour and half for 8 weeks beginning the week of January 23, 2017.  These are themes that we will be covering during this 8-week Mastermind:

•    Week 1: Developing Your Idea/Niche/Market
•    Week 2: Deliverables: Products or Services
•    Week 3: 8 Key Elements for your Business to have in place
•    Week 4: Launching and Marketing Your Services/Products
•    Week 5: Building your following & growing your influence
•    Week 6: Key social media channels
•    Week 7: Creating content
•    Week 8: Creating your schedule to run your business

The focus of this Mastermind group is to allow each member to have a moment in the 8-week cycle to be in the ‘Hot Seat.’  The Hot Seat week includes:
•    Your Career/Business Akashic Record Reading
•    Being the focus for business brainstorming, idea shaping and collaborations
•    Receiving the power of the collective to lift up and support your business/career as well as yourself
•    Accountability and Key Insights that you can use to help your business/career grow

This invaluable resource that I am offering can help clients who are struggling with their business, launching a new idea/business or need guidance/accountability in this crucial stage of the month.

If this Mastermind Group calls to you, please know that I can absolutely help you. I have led Mastermind groups, business marketing and networking groups  as well as women’s groups and circles since 2009.  Because of the extent of this commitment, I am offering this 8-week program for only $175.00.  This mainly covers your Akashic Record Session as well as any material that will be sent to you.  Your individual session can be completed at any time during the 8 week process, especially when you are in the Hot Seat.

To join this Mastermind Group, please follow these steps:
•    Go to this link to send your payment ($175.00) for the 8-weeks session; This is a link that allows you to BOOK YOUR AKASHIC RECORD READING WITHIN THE MASTERMIND TIME
•    Fill out the assessment tool
•    Join me on the Facebook Live video stream to receive information that will help you kick off your Mastermind Experience
•    Join me and the other members of your Mastermind Group on the day that we all vote as the BEST POSSIBLE TIME & DATE

(Please note: This Mastermind Group will ONLY begin if I have SIX PEOPLE who have at least joined and are willing to commit to activating their career/business this year)

Thank you again, dear friend, for taking this time to read this newsletter.   I very much appreciate our connection and the opportunity to work with you.  I hope that 2017 is a positive, exciting and prosperous year for you in all your undertakings.

Bless up,

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