How Be a Rock in the River of Life

by anne marie pizarro Jul 16, 2020

Everywhere I turn, there seems to be another wave of bad news layered on top of this celebrity who’s separating along with the economy going kerplunk. It feels like we’re stuck in a Netflix series called ‘You’re Not in Control’ and the plot’s taken a major twist in a dark direction.  And it’s only Season 1.

The plot twist appears to be tied to a lack of control breeding a sense of pandemonium that threatens to overwhelm and drown this planet’s sanity, safety, and peace.  It’s part of the age-old struggle that’s followed mankind since the beginning of time: the quest for survival and evolution.

Hence the dramatic change…

We’re experiencing a truly remarkable dimensional shift of time, energy, and consciousness. The invitation to be like a rock in the river of life is what faces us daily.  It requires such a level of inner strength, integrity, and fortitude.

So how do we manage?

Let’s start by being kind to ourselves so that we can be kind to each other.

It sounds so cheesy, right? Yet, the Golden Rule is a true measure of a heart’s purity.

So many of us in the world project our ideas, opinions, and beliefs, trumpeting conditions, patterns, and ideologies that are being broken and examined for a reason.

This is a period of scrutiny and the 20/20 lens is clearing the filters. This is a period of time where the script is being re-written.

When we’re kind to ourselves, we shift the self-deprecating conversation that happens within and focus only on controlling the thoughts and emotions that pull us away from our Center, our place of being the rock amidst the storm.

Kindness begins with acknowledging that we all have similar basic needs, wants, and desires.  The more we focus on what we share, the more it strengthens our ability to carry ourselves and each other through any challenge.

In a way, it’s a soul language that’s seeded from awareness and respect.

Once we initiate kindness in our lives, we can continue to cultivate that energy by creating a practice that grounds and centers us on a daily basis.

The news, people’s opinions, and our empathic natures cause us to feel the immense energies of the world.  Sometimes it requires true unplugging to tune into what matters – our connection to the moment.

Grounding and centering can look so different for everyone yet serve a universal purpose of connecting to Source energy. It’s a uniquely personal experience that can help to remind us of our place in the world.This is what feeds our inner battery, recharges our faith, and supports us in our journey.

When we tune in to greater energy and purpose than ourselves, we open to receive a higher level of love that helps us grow and evolve.

As we tune in to a greater Source of Love in the Universe, we activate the power of gratitude.

To be a rock in the river, we have to hold the energy of gratitude in our blessings. It’s what gives us the room to grow in true awareness of how connected we are to Source.

Gratitude is like our vitamins and when taken daily, it nourishes our body with light and elements that help us attract and magnetize more.

So be a rock in the river of life.  Cultivate a grounded, kind, and grateful Center so you can truly be an anchor of light in the world and do so much good!

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