Has integration post-eclipse been a little rough?

blog by anne marie pizarro energy healing energy work solar eclipse Apr 10, 2024

I hope you are doing well and feeling blessed post-Solar Eclipse.

I needed a minute there to land after the strong energy leading into the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024.

I luckily managed to catch it in its full entirety amidst the cloudy day, and then I immediately ZONKED out.

It was timed so perfectly. Right at 3:33 pm, I brought my crystals and Andara beauties back into my office. They immediately lifted the vibes up and brought a powerful energy in my space. However, I felt a deep pull, and I immediately crashed out in the hardest nap ever.

Nothing could have woken me up from that nap. I was out and snoring like a choo-choo train (just ask Jon).

I woke up without an alarm right at 4:44 pm and kind of ‘snapped out of it.’

So that’s how the eclipse hit me on the first day.

Since then, I feel like the integration process hasn’t been as smooth as I would have liked. Here’s three reasons why:

  1. Ooooof….it’s catching me right at the time of my cycle where I’m the MOST emotional and sensitive.
  2. I signed up for this 2-day live call with one of my clients and now mentor, Robert, who’s pushing me right into the red zone (and that’s a good thing).
  3. I’m taking part in this money program which is bringing up ALL kinds of feels inside.

All of this is hitting my buttons and making me a bit touchy and “overly dramatic.”

But hot dang…is it possible I could also be tuning into the discombobulated energy of the world going through crisis, earthquakes, war, and fear? Or did the eclipse kick off something that I really needed to address: blocked emotions.

Bleh…I don’t even want to talk about this because it’s making my insides feel squirmy. That’s the sign right there to forge ahead…

When our emotions are blocked, our energy is blocked.

When our energy is blocked, prosperity, wealth, health and love are blocked.

When prosperity, wealth, health and love are blocked, our self-worth goes down the tank.

That’s a whole lot there to swallow. And that’s what I’ve had to face as I come to a clear awareness of what’s standing in the way of receiving.

It’s the blocked feelings and I’ve been allowing them to rise and instead of judging them…I’m receiving them back. (Integration Clue #1)

I’ve been calling back anger, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me. I’ve been calling back fear, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me. I’ve been calling back worry, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me. I’ve been calling back feeling unworthy, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me. I’ve been calling back criticism, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me. I’ve been calling back disappointment, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me.

I’ve been calling back ALL the parts of me that didn’t get what it wanted, apologizing to it, loving it and receiving it back in me. (Integration Clue #2)

So integration from the eclipse has taken some work, and I’m receiving it in a way that’s changing me.

This is what’s necessary to step into your future self.

This is what’s required for you to evolve to your 2.0 self and remember who you are.

We are clearing the way from spiritual amnesia because everything we’ve ever wanted in around us available NOW. (Integration Clue #3)

Let that sink in.

What holds you back from realizing this is that you don’t remember. You’re fighting the part of yourself that wants to bust through, shake you and tell you straight up in your face - IT”S YOUR TIME NOW!

So step into it. I am and I’m inviting you to join me in a few weeks when I host my Waking up from Spiritual Amnesia challenge.

Integration doesn’t have to hurt nor does it have to be bumpy or scary. When you’re tuned in to your 3D, 4D and 5D self and aligned fully to the Akashic field, your path, soul purpose and soul memories, nothing can hold you back from your dreams and desires.

In the meantime, I’m going to send you three emails (including this) which will give you some integration clues as well as suggestions on how to upgrade to your 2.0 self.

Suggestions #1:

Use HEALY as a frequency device to help you anchor integration, balance and clear lower vibrational energies, blocked emotions and physical stress.

HEALY is a frequency generator device that helps you increase vitality and activate energy reservoirs with a small effort of “running a program”.

I have what I call my go-to-programs when I need a lift: Positive Thoughts Frequency, The Gold Cycle, Emotional Well Being and Contentment for the System.

Whenever I use my HEALY, I feel 100% better and more grounded in my body. It has really helped me recover for COVID, allergies and GI disturbances. This month, HEALY is running a special 50% discount off the Professional edition which is a crazy good deal ⁃ Check out the 50% off sale here

So there you go friend. You've got THREE Integration Clues in this email. I've got more coming for you tomorrow.

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