Clarity and Closure Speak, Heal and Manifest

attitudes and perspectives by anne marie pizarro Dec 27, 2011

As this amazing year draws to a close, preparing for the next year means having clarity about what you want and closure about what you are completing and letting go.

I found this amazing duo to be super handy when I was cleaning my closet and rearranging my world.  I decided to gift myself a rare treat which was to take the day off.  In being clear about the necessity to return to my center, I let go and closed the need to always have to “work and be productive.”  Do you know what came from this powerful insight?  A wonderful song.

Clarity and Closure Speak

When I was crafting this song, the clarity that I received was like a download from The Most High.  I received information that changed my internal framework of being.  That song has stayed with me through out all this time.  In letting go of what I thought I needed to do that day, I laid closure to the pressure that I place on myself.  The gift that came from that was humble gratitude and awareness of our connection with the internal and external world.

Thus I went for a hike.  My friend, Loretta, and I got lost in the greenbelt of Austin on a beautiful sunny afternoon.  I watched in amazement at all the thoughts and emotions that ran the gamut of my mind.

Clarity and Closure Heals

As I watched the interplay of feelings, resistance and experiences take surface, the energy of clarity and closure healed, sealed and closed the deal as I let myself be in the natural surroundings of trees, plants and animals.  It didn’t matter.  We are all connected through the breath and energy of life.  Time ceased to exist.  I expanded. I absorbed.  And I am healed.

Clarity and Closure Manifest

As I prepare for the upcoming year, I reflect on all the wonderful and life-changing experiences I’ve had.  I don’t hold on to memories like others do.  What does get replayed is necessary for its exit.  And so as I embrace the blessings that rain upon me, I am grateful for the opportunities of clarity that I may close what is completed and open what is for my next and highest good.

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