Bring in the New Year RIGHT!

by anne marie pizarro law of attraction Dec 30, 2011

Happy New Year!!! Happy New YOU!

What better way to bring in the New Year right than with conscious attention to what you are manifesting in your life, world, relationships and health?

This is the invitation that the New Year provides.  It’s an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin anew.  It’s the call to action of your life.  Are you hearing it?  Or are you choosing to be hearing-impaired?

This week has been a reflective exercise in looking at what kinds of amazing experiences I’ve encountered this year.  As fast as it has flown by, I have also magnetized some phenomenal people and situations.

And all this because I became clear about what I want.  That clarity can be fleeting at times and that is why it is important to return to your center and ground and ask yourself….”What am I co-creating in my life?”

In this process of creation, you have the opportunity to bring in what you want to create for your life.  Whether that is more financial stability, golden opportunities, loving, kind relationships, healthier bodies or more – you have the ability to create something remarkable.  So what’s stopping you?

If you choose to bring the victim or blame mentality into your new year, you are avoiding responsibility for what you are creating.  When you own your power and step into your role – life unfolds at a rapid speed, shifting you away from habits that have kept you in a place of waiting and stagnancy.  When you say “YES!” to yourself, you accept the invitation for something magical to arrive.  No one can say that YES for you.  You have to own it and let it be the shining crown of your current achievement.

What am I really talking about?

It’s about believing in yourself more than enough and unconditionally loving yourself to bring in new changes in your life.  If you have never felt unconditional love, then look at yourself in the mirror and state “I accept and love you.” It starts there.  And as you practice this heartfelt exercise, you will come to realize that your light is so bright that you can accomplish ANYTHING!!

Happy New Year!

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