Access the Divine Blueprint

by anne marie pizarro holistic healing Feb 06, 2012

What would you do if you could access your divine blueprint and find out what to do with your life, what direction to take, where to go and how to do it?

Would it stop you or help you in stepping into your birthright as an awesome and kick-ass human being?

When I first tapped into my divine blueprint via the Akashic Records and the IET Soulstar clearing, I was flabbergasted!  I had no idea that I had signed up to do so many amazing things in this lifetime, meet so many fabulous people, experience great depths of emotions and pain, and love to the highest of heights.  I had no idea what The Creator had in store for me.  I still don’t.  That is why I occasionally tap in and find out whether I am on par with where I am suppose to go.  I tap in for information, insights, directions and support.

Your divine blueprint is a genetic and spiritual road map that carries the codon sequences, syllabus and charts of how your soul maneuvers through this plane of existence.  Sounds off the wall right?

Well, what if I told you that you signed up for this?!?  What if the courses you signed up for leads you to a higher level of consciousness and existence and that nothing is coincidence in nature?  Every thought, relationship, emotion and experience are all part of the divine lessons learned.  All these lessons eventually lead to your PhD of your Life.

“Why Would You Access the Divine Blueprint?”

The main reason why you would want to access the divine blueprint is for information.

Just like a library or the world wide web, your blueprint carries information from your Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, Guides, Angels and The Creator.  When you have a very specific topic that you are wanting assistance or insight in, you can access the divine blueprint and find out what options are available to you.  From relationship choices, changing limiting beliefs, restructuring physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks, to gaining clear-cut advice on how to run your business/projects, the blueprint gives your access to your own Divine library.

“What do I do with my Divine Blueprint?”

Once you receive information, use it, live it, bring it into your present life.  And most of all, respect that you are a Divine Being have a spiritual existence for your highest and best good!

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