Shine Your Light

by anne marie pizarro health and wellness Sep 13, 2010


Energy Connection Tip of the Day: Be not afraid to shine your light for you are the holder of the dimmer switch. Shining your true nature into the world is like sending beams of love and positivity to water the cellular structure of Creation.

Ever heard that phrase, “Children should be seen and not heard” or “Keep your voice down?”  These are a few examples of how we’ve been raised to be less than our stellar selves.  True, there are times when toning it down is appropriate.  However, when you choose to live your life not being seen or heard and stuffing your voice, presence, or creativity down for fear that it may be too much for people to handle – guess what?  You are doing yourself a huge disfavor!

Shining your light and being a beacon of your true nature in all that you do is an opportunity to let the Divine radiate through you.   It is an expression of your higher self coming through when you live in the truth of who you are, what you love, and where your joy resides.

Shining your light gives you and the rest of the world permission to see you as you are – a c0-creative child of the Most High, perfect in every way and blessed beyond comprehension.

Living in your truth and living from the heart is like being a gardener for the Planet Earth.  Our words, being, and thoughts radiate an energy that impacts and affects the world around us.  To live in a conscientious stream means to water the garden with loving and positive vibrations that resonate on a cellular level and nourish it.  This is where change occurs.  As we shine our light into the world, the cellular structure of energetic bodies change to meet our vibrations.  And if the environment does not change – either we change or we go.  If we decide to stay in an environment that is not for our highest good – our dimmer switch gets lowered.  If we leave an environment that is not for our higher path – our dimmer switch becomes brighter.

What path will you be radiating today?

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