Are you practicing good spiritual hygiene?

blog by anne marie pizarro energy healing mindset Mar 27, 2024

Did you know that there are different levels of hygiene?

Let me list for you the different types of hygiene and why it’s important to practice it.

Physical hygiene is what we typically think of when it comes to personal hygiene. From brushing your teeth and bathing to working out and eating well, physical hygiene takes a lot of our focus and attention because we’re living in a third dimensional vessel that demands care, food, hydration and cleaning.

Emotional hygiene is how we manage and care for our thoughts, feelings, emotions and energy. We’re constantly processing the world around us with our feelings and thoughts. If we’re not practicing good emotional hygiene, we end up thinking negatively about ourselves, letting errant distracting thoughts get in the way and having emotional overwhelm and fatigue.

Mental hygiene works alongside emotional hygiene because this influences how we process the mental layer of our human energy field. Our thoughts, ideas and dreams present a picture of the world and when we are not practicing mental hygiene, the external world can feel scary, daunting and draining.

Spiritual hygiene is the process of connecting to your Spirit Guides and Source, maintaining personal agency and doing the soul work to keep your field and spirit in good working order.

Spiritual hygiene often gets overlooked because we’re so busy doing other self-care practices that we neglect our spiritual field. However, if we neglect it too long, we can experience to psychic drains, attacks, pervasive anxiety and loneliness.

Practicing good spiritual hygiene is important if you want to stay balanced, centered and confidently in your power.

In preparing and teaching my most recent class, Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks, I found that many people in the world find the term spiritual hygiene foreign.

They immediately go to this fall back…I only work with Jesus.

Now let me get something straight with you. I also work with Master Jesus, but I also work directly with Source/God and my Soul Council.

When I get messages like this…it confuses me.

Just because you ‘work with Jesus’ doesn’t mean you can be energetically irresponsible by not maintaining, clearing or taking care of your spiritual self.

What exactly are you expecting or asking Jesus to do if you’re not willing to do it for yourself?

Now, I know this is a polarizing topic, and I’m not here to offend you at all.

I’m here to advocate for you and to encourage you to practice positive self-care and spiritual hygiene because it makes living on Earth so much more pleasurable and doable.

So how do you practice positive spiritual hygiene?

Here are 3 tips to help you if you’re on the fence or don’t know how to get started:

1. Set up a time to connect to your Higher Self, Source and your Spirit Guides 

2. Ask your Spirit Guides to help you clear any negative energy, psychic drains or vitality leaks

3. Practice doing YOUR PART by reading positive media, thinking affirmative thoughts, energetically clearing your space, saying helpful prayers and projecting thoughts of positivity, gratitude and love

Can you do this?

I firmly believe you can.

However, some people don’t have faith in themselves. They sometimes feel shaky about their personal confidence, self love and self-acceptance.

If you’re struggling to set up good spiritual hygiene practices, I’ve got you covered.

I just wrapped up the most stellar class ever with the Psychic Attacks training.

This class has 3 very powerful protective prayers you can use any time, especially if you’re feeling weak, drained or having a spiritual slump. There are energy practices you can do to sweep your field of negative influences. AND…there are two very effective and powerful psychic clearing techniques that you can use daily and during active attacks.

And guess what....this class is SUPER EASY!

I found myself getting wound up and fortified in light and reset in my power, connection to Source, energy and feel-good-vibes.

What this leads me to is a re-commitment of making sure spiritual hygiene is at the TOP of my list instead of the bottom.

Șo if spiritual hygiene is NOT a priority for you and you’re feeling it, it’s time to take action…even if you work with Jesus. This is about self-care and only YOU can do this for yourself.

If you need help, sign up to my newsletter below and I’ll offer you a free ebook on working with your soul counsil.

Take good care, friend! Be kind to yourself and love who you are. You are a special being and Warrior of Light!

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