3 ways to prep yourself for the Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow

blog by anne marie pizarro intention setting mindset solar eclipse Apr 07, 2024

I hope you’re doing well and feeling exceptionally blessed. This newsletter is a shorty and goody and FULL of actionable and easy steps for you to take.

Can you believe it? The Total Solar Eclipse is right around the corner.

Boy has this been a wonky time.

I’ve experienced some really strange things like:

• almost getting in a car accident because people weren’t paying attention
• shifty elements around my environment that has my dog trippin’ out
• a deep desire to rest and not do too much
• instant downloads of ideas that require immediate action
• really weird people approaching us when we’re out in public

This is the kind of energy that makes you want to hide BUT I’m not doing that.

I’m 100% here for it because hot damn…it’s a wild ride through the cosmos and we’re bucking around on mechanical horses that are set to its own speed.

So how do you prep yourself for this Eclipse tomorrow?

Here are 3 tidbits to amp up your energy:

1. Clear your home TODAY

Sage, clean, spritz and organize your space today. You’re letting out old energy and welcoming in new vibrations tomorrow and you want your space to receive it with openness and receptivity. Clutter takes up space and causes stagnation. Elevate your environment with good smelling candles (like Bianchi Candle Co) or your favorite incense.

2. Rest, hydrate and give yourself grace

Don’t feel like you have to give in to the frenzy. Here in Texas, it’s a madhouse at the grocery store and the media has really primed people to overbuy because of the amount of visitors coming in. People…it’s 1+ minutes long (4+ minutes if you're in the Hill Country). Relax and give yourself a breather to take it in moment by moment. Give yourself nourishing teas, drink water and take time to be outside and ground.

3. Write your intentions for what you’d like to receive during the Eclipse portal

Be intentional about what you’d like to align to and connect with. It’s not that hard, and I encourage you not to overthink it. You’ve got this glorious period to ASK so don’t waste it with thoughts of not enough, not deserving or feeling blue. Spirit is listening and the veils will be thin so give yourself the gift of permission and ask for the big dreams to come true.

So there you go, beautiful human! I’ve got something super stellar coming at ya this week with the Eclipse energy. It’s called Integration.

Don’t think this ONE day is a one and done deal. Oh heck no…we’ve got the whole month to integrate what comes through so I’ll be supporting you as you go 2.0!

Take good care of yourself! Be safe and focus on feeling good!

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